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Home » About Us » The Board and Management Committee » Annual General Meeting (AGM)

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The WA Occupational Therapy Association (WAOTA) annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday 12th June at 6:00pm. The meeting allows for a review of the year that has just gone and also sets the scene for the year to come. It provides a snapshot of the work being done by the WAOTA Executive Board and Management Committee for its members. It also provides opportunity to put faces to the names of WAOTA administration staff, board members and management. Meeting will take place at the WAOTA office, 4a/266 Hay Street Subiaco.

We have two positions, Chairperson and Secretary coming up for election on the WAOTA Executive Board, this rotation is in line with our constitution to ensure continuance. It is important that WAOTA represents its members and so members from diverse clinical areas are needed. New members are very valuable as they always bring new ideas and enthusiasm, so please consider nominating by no later than 4pm Wednesday 29th May 2024.

Board Positions available 

Board Nomination Form 2024

If you would like further information, please email our office on info@waota.com.au

If there is feedback or issues that you as a WAOTA member would like to raise for discussion at the AGM, contact the Association prior to 31st May 2024 via email info@waota.com.au or write to WAOTA Suite 4A / 266 Hay Street Subiaco 6008.

Unable to attend AGM but would still like to vote?
Each full WAOTA member who is unable to attend the AGM in person or via zoom is entitled to appoint another full member as the former’s proxy by giving notice to WAOTA no later than 24 hours before the time of the meeting. Proxy vote form is available,

Proxy Vote Form AGM 2024

Proxy Vote Instructions

Please email through your attendance via email to info@waota.com.au by Friday 31st May 2024.