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WAOTA Courses


WAOTA Professional Development workshops are available for all Members, registered Occupational Therapists and Occupational Therapy Students to attend. 

The aim of WAOTA is to provide Professional Development workshops for as many streams of Occupational Therapists as possible. The workshops are designed and delivered by professionals with expertise in particular areas. If you have any suggestions for a workshop, please contact WAOTA via email, info@waota.com.au, and the request will be assessed by the PD Co-ordinator.

CPD Requirements

The Occupational Therapy Board of Australia requires all registered Occupational Therapists to undertake continuing professional development as part of their registration. Information regarding these requirements can be found here:

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WAOTA Cancellation Policy

Western Australian Occupational Therapy Association (WAOTA)

Cancellation Policy

WAOTA reserves the right to cancel or postpone any Association event. In the event that this occurs any registration fees receipted will be refunded in full. The Association is NOT liable for any other costs that the registrant may have incurred in registering for the event ( e.g. transportation, accommodation and loss of income).

If the PD course is postponed/cancelled due to a COVID related issue then 100% of the registration fee will be refunded

If the registrant cancels their attendance at an Association event, the following refunds will apply:

  • More than 4 weeks notice = 75% refund
  • 2-4 weeks notice = 50% refund
  • Less than 2 weeks notice = no refund
Annual OT Week Breakfast

The annual OT Week Breakfast is the flagship event of the WA Occupational Therapy Association calendar. It is traditionally held annually on the Friday of OT Week, and is an opportunity for OTs to come together and celebrate the wonderful Occupational Therapy profession as a group. It is a great way to catch up with colleagues from university days or previous workplaces and a great place to meet new friends!

Each year, WAOTA invites a guest speaker to attend the Breakfast, with the aim of offering a personal perspective on Occupational Therapy and reigniting the passion for OT that inspires us to do what we do! The Breakfast also provides the opportunity for WAOTA to present Awards to recognise excellence among the members of WAOTA. Award winners are nominated by members of WAOTA, and all award winners remain unaware until their names are announced at the Breakfast!