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Recognising and addressing burnout 24th August – Workplace Rehab Interest Group

$10.00 (Price incl. 10% GST)

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Presenter: Andrew ( Psychologist )

Date: Thursday 24th August 2023

Time: 5.00pm - 6.00pm 

Location: Virtual (Teams)


Please note in order to access the member rate you will need to log into your account on our website https://waota.com.au/login/
WAOTA members free
Non-members $10.00

About the Presentation :

Registered Psychologist, Andrew, will discuss what steps can be taken to recognise the indicators of burnout and counteract the impact as quickly and effectively as possible. Andrew has worked across multiple ‘people-centric’ industries and recognizes the challenges of self-care face by those who focus on helping others.

Psychological (mental) health, just like physical health, is an important part of work health and safety. Work-related psychological injuries have a significant impact on workers, their families and business. Workplace burnout comes from cumulative challenges in both work and personal life, which are sometimes difficult to recognize until we become "burnt out".

Andrew’s presentation will focus on common mental health issues; recovering from psychological injuries; tips for maintaining good psychological health; and psychological challenges specific to the workplace.

Aimed at those in people-centric industries, this presentation will also assist you identify the three key areas of burnout, how to know burnout is approaching, and practical steps you can take to both recover from burnout and how to avoid it happening.