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Standards and Guidelines

Disclaimer: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the standards and guidelines by the said authors and websites and other sources of information referred to therein by them are not necessarily shared or endorsed by WAOTA nor does WAOTA necessarily endorse the accuracy, suitability and application thereof.

Whilst WAOTA’s role is to provide information, WAOTA disclaims any and all liability that may ensue as a consequence of the use or application of the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the standards and guidelines by the said authors and the websites and other sources of information referred to therein by them and WAOTA strongly advises its readers to seek independent advise as the views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in the standards and guidelines by the said authors may not necessarily apply in each and every case.



Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management (living guidelines)- https://informme.org.au/Guidelines/Clinical-Guidelines-for-Stroke-Management-2017

Childhood Stroke Clinical Guidelines –https://informme.org.au/en/Guidelines/Childhood-stroke-guidelines

Guidelines for the management of absolute cardiovascular disease risk 2012  & Quick reference guide for health professionals – https://informme.org.au/en/Guidelines/Guidelines-for-the-assessment-and-management-of-absolute-CVD-risk

Parkinson's Disease

Guidelines for Occupational Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease Rehabilitation — https://www.parkinsonnet.nl/app/uploads/sites/3/2019/11/ot_guidelines_final-npf__3_.pdf

Palliative Care

Compassionate Communities: An Implementation guide for Community approaches to end of life care –https://palliativecare.org.au/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2018/09/An-implementation-guide-for-community.pdf

For WA: Advanced Care Planning, Advances Health Directive, Enduring Power of Guardianship –https://www.advancecareplanning.org.au/resources/advance-care-planning-for-your-state-territory/wa

National Palliative Care Standards 5th Ed. – https://palliativecare.org.au/standards

National Palliative Care Strategy 2018 – https://www.health.gov.au/sites/default/files/national-palliative-care-strategy-2018.pdf

Principles for Palliative and End-of-life Care in Residential Aged Care- https://palliativecare.org.au/wp-content/uploads/dlm_uploads/2017/05/PCA018_Guiding-Principles-for-PC-Aged-Care_W03-002.pdf