Sponsorship Opportunities OT Week Breakfast

The annual OT Week Breakfast is the flagship event on the WA Occupational Therapy Association (WAOTA) calendar. It’s an opportunity for OTs to come together and celebrate the wonderful Occupational Therapy profession as a group.
Each year, WAOTA invites a guest speaker to attend the Breakfast, with the aim of offering a personal perspective on Occupational Therapy and reigniting the passion for OT that inspires us to do what we do!
WAOTA would like to present you with an opportunity to become a sponsor for the 2024 Occupational Therapy Week Breakfast and share in these celebrations. A detailed list of sponsorship packages is listed for your consideration.
Our breakfast is run in conjunction with Occupational Therapy Week and will be held on Friday 25th October 2024 at the Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort and Spa, Como 7am – 9am
Platinum Sponsor
Cost: Booked
- Fully Booked
Gold Sponsorship
Cost: $1,500
- Pull up banner displayed at function
- Logo displayed digitally in networking and breakfast areas
- Verbal acknowledgement at opening of breakfast
- Guest at function
- Advertising:
- a banner featured prominently on the website event page for 2 months (Oct,Nov and/or Dec). Size specifications to be provided
- WAOTA newsletter, 1/2 page A4, 2 months Oct, Nov and/or Dec. Advert will need to be supplied in jpg format.
- Placement of 1 item in tote bag
- Acknowledgement in WA Occupational Therapy Association newsletter, website and facebook.
Silver Sponsorship
Cost: $550
- Pull up banner displayed at function
- Logo displayed digitally in networking and breakfast areas
- Verbal acknowledgement at opening of breakfast
- Guest at function
- Company logo and link on website event page for 1 month (October)
- Acknowledgement in WA Occupational Therapy Association newsletter and website.
General Sponsorship
Cost: $400
- Provision of your company’s pens, business cards, notebooks or brochures in tote bag, up to three (3) items. If different items preferred, please email info@waota.com.au to discuss further
- Logo displayed digitally in networking and breakfast areas
- Verbal acknowledgement at opening of breakfast
- Acknowledgement in WA Occupational Therapy Association newsletter and website.
Other Opportunities - Unlimited
If you would like to donate prize giveaways, please contact our office to discuss further – info@waota.com.au
- Donate prize
- Logo displayed digitally in networking and breakfast areas
- Verbal acknowledgement at opening of breakfast and during prize draw
- Acknowledgement in WA Occupational Therapy Association newsletter and website.
The WA Occupational Therapy Association sincerely appreciate your generous sponsorship and support