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Face Mask Exemptions

Information has been provided by the Department of Health and will be uploaded to WAOTA website under ‘Health News’.

The Directions which provide the legal requirements for face coverings (or face masks) only refers to “a medical certificate” with regards to certifying that the person has an illness, injury, condition or disability that makes wearing a face covering unsuitable (see paragraph 7(x)).

If they believe their patient’s medical condition is serious enough that they are unable to safely wear a face mask, registered health practitioners (GPs) can provide their patients with a letter that confirms this. They do not need to define the condition.

A person is not required to wear a face covering where:

  • the person is a child under the age of 8 years, except at any time the child is attending school in Year 3 and above; or
  • the person is at the time attending school as a student in Year 2 or below; or
  • the person has a physical, developmental or mental illness, injury, condition or disability which makes wearing a face covering unsuitable;

provided that:

  • where a person is relying on an exception under subparagraph (e) and is requested to do so by a responsible person, the person produces a medical certificate that certifies that the person has such an illness, injury, condition or disability that makes wearing a face covering unsuitable;

Please note the above information can change at any time, so please keep checking the wa.gov website for updates

Link to full list of “Exemptions from mask requirements”:  https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/covid-19-coronavirus-level-1-public-health-and-social-measures#general
