Pain from an OT perspective – 2025
Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort 112 Melville Parade, Como, Western Australia, AustraliaPAIN FROM AN OT PERSPECTIVE FRIDAY 28th FEBRUARY, 2025 - 08:00 – 16:00 PRESENTED BY IAN CHEOK. Chronic pain management is a major and growing challenge for patients, healthcare professionals and the global healthcare system. Pain science can be quite disheartening as a topic – as there are no magic bullets or quick fixes in […]
Basic Home Modifications 2025
Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort 112 Melville Parade, Como, Western Australia, AustraliaBASIC HOME MODIFICATIONS MONDAY MARCH 10TH AND TUESDAY MARCH 11TH, 2025 PRESENTED BY SANDI LIGHTFOOT After the recent success of both the basic and complex course Sandi Lightfoot from the University of Sydney has confirmed to return to Perth and repeat these courses in March 2025. Sandi Lightfoot is an OT and service manager for […]
Home Modifications Complex 2025
Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort 112 Melville Parade, Como, Western Australia, AustraliaCOMPLEX HOME MODIFICATIONS SATURDAY 15th MARCH – 08:45 – 16:30 Presented by Sandi Lightfoot The complex course will include complex bathrooms for conceptual designs, major ramps and lift considerations and kitchen design. Participants can attend the complex course only if the basic course has already been completed or they have 4 or more years experience […]
Basic Neurological Assessment 2025
Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort 112 Melville Parade, Como, Western Australia, AustraliaFRIDAY 4th April 2025 – 9:00 – 16:30 Presented by Jocelyn White. The course focuses on basic neurological assessment skills. It aims to provide attendees with a greater depth of understanding of why and how specific assessment components are undertaken as part of the role of Occupational Therapists working with individuals with a neurological condition. […]
Impact of Trauma 2025
Pagoda Ballroom, Pagoda Resort 112 Melville Parade, Como, Western Australia, AustraliaFRIDAY 11TH APRIL, 2025 - 08:30 – 17:00 PRESENTED BY KELLIE GOES This course will introduce learners to key understandings about trauma and adversity, and their impact on children, development, and relationships. It explores the neurobiology of trauma, the ways that a child might respond to trauma, and how children and families can recover from […]