WAOTA Students are excited to welcome Mathew Johnson and Jema Kerrich from Autism Association of Western Australia as our presenters for the first PD of the year! Mathew Johnson is the manager of school aged therapy and clinical services at Autism Association of Western Australia (11 years and counting!) and has worked as an occupational […]
Kate Maskos graduated with the class of 2016 at Curtin University. Over the past 7 years she has worked predominantly in the paediatric sector, and has previously engaged in both clinic and community settings at larger business structures. She now currently works as a Senior Therapist and Lead at Potion Therapy Support Services, which is […]
DOT(WA) are holding there next PD on Monday 17th April at 6.30pm. Paula Buttigieg will present on PRPP for Kids - the Perceive, Recall, Plan, Perform System of Task Analysis and its application to young children. Paula has worked with children for most of her career and is a long-term user and advocate for the […]
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming meeting where we will have the privilege of hosting Ian Cheok, Principal Occupational Therapist from Lifeworks OT. Ian is an occupational therapist with expertise in providing chronic pain care therapy. He will be speaking on the topic of Pain Care Occupational Therapy: Approaches and Strategies for […]